Multiple Roblox Instances
Right now in roblox you cant have multiple terrain instances. There is just a default one in workspace that cant be removed. It would make the roblox engine better if you can have multiple terrain instances. One use for multiple terrain instances would be for better shorelines. Terrain will often morph weirdly when water touches it as well as other types of terrain.
It relies on nothing but metatables and tricking intellisense with forced generic types. This module is pretty simple and lightweight, so it doesnt support things like multiple class extensions and proxies, so feel free. I am using zoneplus in order to make my tesla gate work, and i want to keep my code short, so instead of having multiple variables, id like to have only 1 variable for multiple instances, which i will use for zone. new() unfortunately, ive looked all over and have not found a. This issue started happening recently and broke one of my games. Tested cause on desktop and laptop. Looks like theres other similar issues with audio playback as well. Open roblox studio and create new place insert a sound object and put a soundid in duplicate the sound object set both playing to true. Im trying to make a tween but im also trying to make a tween that single handedly tweens 2 ui is that possible? Launching studio from the website currently opens two studios for me. This is consistent between places owned by me and owned by groups. I dont know what i did, but the only button i interacted. Introducing selecto easily select multiple instances by class and names ever since i got into the plugin marketplace program, i havent really published any plugins. I had problems when selecting multiple instances with same name and class and i thought a plugin to do it quickly would be great. So i came up with selecto what is selecto? Selecto is a plugin which will.
I dont know what i did, but the only button i interacted. Introducing selecto easily select multiple instances by class and names ever since i got into the plugin marketplace program, i havent really published any plugins. I had problems when selecting multiple instances with same name and class and i thought a plugin to do it quickly would be great. So i came up with selecto what is selecto? Selecto is a plugin which will. Is it possible to use :findfirstchild() to look for multiple instances and if so,. You can use the # operator to get the length of a table! Code i used for some context while firebreathparticle:isdescendantof(workspace) do wait() local params = raycastparams. new() params. filterdescendantsinstances = {character} params. filtertype = enum. raycastfiltertype. blacklist local hit =.
Is it possible to use :findfirstchild() to look for multiple instances and if so,. You can use the # operator to get the length of a table! Code i used for some context while firebreathparticle:isdescendantof(workspace) do wait() local params = raycastparams. new() params. filterdescendantsinstances = {character} params. filtertype = enum. raycastfiltertype. blacklist local hit =.
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